Thorax Space Pirate's Chest

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  • The Breast Ore in the Galaxy!


    • Intro
      2 min
    • Nipple
      less than a minute
    • Dermatome
      less than a minute
    • Areola
      2 min
    • Lobules of Mammary Glandular Tissue
      1 min
    • Lactiferous Ducts
      less than a minute
    • Lactiferous Sinuses
      1 min
    • Lateral Thoracic Artery
      1 min
    • Internal Thoracic Artery
      1 min
    • Thoracoacromial Trunk
      1 min
    • Upper Intercostal Arteries
      less than a minute
    • Lateral and Medial Mammary Veins
      1 min
    • Intercostal Veins
      less than a minute
    • 4th to 6th Anterior and Lateral Intercostal Nerves
      1 min
    • Breast cancer
      less than a minute
    • Axillary Lymph Nodes
      less than a minute
    • Review
      1 min
  • A "Hearty" Lesson Part 1

    Heart - Superficial

    • A
      2 min
    • A
      14 min
    • A
      1 min
    • A
      1 min
    • A
      1 min
  • A "Hearty" Lesson Part 2

    Heart - Deep

    • Intro
      1 min
    • Right and Left Auricles
      less than a minute
    • Sinus Venarum
      1 min
    • Crista Termanalis
      less than a minute
    • Sulcus Termanalis
      less than a minute
    • Pectinate Muscles
      less than a minute
    • Tricuspid Valve
      1 min
    • Mitral (Bicuspid) Valve
      1 min
    • Trabeculae Carneae
      less than a minute
    • Conus Arteriosus
      1 min
    • Papillary Muscles
      1 min
    • Septomarginal Trabecula
      1 min
    • Interatrial Septum and Interventricular Septum
      1 min
    • Fossa Ovalis
      1 min
    • Pulmonary Valve
      1 min
    • Aortic Valve
      less than a minute
    • Patent Foramen Ovale
      1 min
    • Review
      less than a minute
  • A "Hearty" Lesson Part 3

    Heart - Vasculature

    • Intro
      1 min
    • Superior Vena Cava
      less than a minute
    • Inferior Vena Cava
      less than a minute
    • Pulmonary Trunk
      less than a minute
    • Right and Left Pulmonary Arteries
      1 min
    • Right and Left Pulmonary Veins
      1 min
    • Ascending Aorta
      1 min
    • Right Coronary Artery and Left Coronary Artery
      1 min
    • Sinoatrial (SA) Nodal Artery
      less than a minute
    • Right Marginal Artery
      1 min
    • Atrioventricular (AV) Nodal Artery
      2 min
    • Left Anterior Descending (LAD) Artery
      1 min
    • Circumflex Artery
      1 min
    • Small Cardiac Vein
      1 min
    • Middle Cardiac Vein
      less than a minute
    • Great Cardiac Vein
      2 min
    • Anterior Cardiac Veins
      1 min
    • Heart attacks, or Myocardial Infarctions
      1 min
    • Review
      1 min
  • A Breath of Fresh [Space] Air Part 1

    Lower Respiratory System: Lungs - Superficial

    • Intro
      1 min
    • Diaphragm
      2 min
    • Phrenic Nerve
      1 min
    • Parietal Pleura
      less than a minute
    • Visceral Pleura
      1 min
    • Costodiaphragmatic Recesses
      less than a minute
    • Costomediastinal Recesses
      3 min
    • Cardiac Impression
      1 min
    • Groove for the Superior Vena Cava
      less than a minute
    • Groove for the Esophagus
      less than a minute
    • Cardiac Impression
      less than a minute
    • Groove of the Esophagus
      less than a minute
    • Groove for the Thoracic Aorta
      1 min
    • Pulmonary Veins
      1 min
    • Pulmonary Arteries
      1 min
    • Intercostal Nerves
      less than a minute
    • Phrenic Nerve
      less than a minute
    • Anterior and Posterior Pulmonary Plexuses
      1 min
    • Pneumothorax
      1 min
    • Review
      1 min
  • A Breath of Fresh [Space] Air Part 2

    Lower Respiratory System: Lungs - Deep

    • Intro
      2 min
    • Trachea
      1 min
    • Right and Left Main Bronchi
      1 min
    • Superior, Middle, and Inferior Lobar Bronchi
      1 min
    • Tertiary Bronchi
      3 min
    • Bronchioles
      1 min
    • Terminal Bronchioles
      1 min
    • Respiratory Bronchioles
      1 min
    • Alveoli
      2 min
    • Bronchial Arteries
      1 min
    • Bronchial Veins
      less than a minute
    • Anterior and Posterior Pulmonary Plexuses
      less than a minute
    • Sympathetic trunk
      less than a minute
    • Vagus Nerve
      less than a minute
    • Foreign Body Aspiration
      less than a minute
    • Review
      1 min
  • A Pec Me Up at the Gym

    Pectoral-Axillary Region

    • Intro
      1 min
    • Pectoralis major muscle
      2 min
    • Pectoralis minor muscle
      1 min
    • Serratus anterior muscle
      1 min
    • Thoracoacromial artery
      1 min
    • Lateral thoracic artery
      less than a minute
    • Medial pectoral nerve
      less than a minute
    • Lateral pectoral nerve
      less than a minute
    • Long thoracic nerve
      less than a minute
    • Winged scapula
      less than a minute
    • Clavicle fractures
      1 min
    • Review
      1 min
  • Wall of Thunder!!!!

    Thoracic Wall

    • Intro
      less than a minute
    • External intercostal
      1 min
    • Internal intercostal
      2 min
    • Innermost intercostal
      1 min
    • Transversus thoracis
      1 min
    • Subcostal muscles
      1 min
    • Levator cosartum
      1 min
    • Posterior intercostal artery
      1 min
    • Anterior intercostal artery
      less than a minute
    • Intercostal nerve
      1 min
    • Thoracic nerves
      less than a minute
    • Sternal fracture
      1 min
    • Review
      1 min
  • My Neck, My (Intrinsic) Back Part 1

    Back - Intrinsic Muscles Part 1

    • Intro
      less than a minute
    • Splenius capitis
      2 min
    • Splenius cervicis
      3 min
    • Occipital artery
      less than a minute
    • Posterior intercostal artery
      less than a minute
    • Posterior rami of spinal nerves C3-C4
      1 min
    • Spinal nerves
      less than a minute
    • Low back pain
      less than a minute
    • Herniated disk
      1 min
    • Spina bifida
      less than a minute
    • Review
      1 min
  • My Neck, My (Intrinsic) Back Part 2

    Back - Intrinsic Muscles Part 2

    • Intro
      less than a minute
    • Iliocostalis muscle
      1 min
    • Longissimus muscle
      less than a minute
    • Spinalis muscle
      2 min
    • intercostal and lumbar arteries
      less than a minute
    • lateral sacral artery
      less than a minute
    • posterior rami of the spinal nerves
      1 min
    • Low back pain
      less than a minute
    • Herniated disk
      1 min
    • Spinal bifida
      1 min
    • Review
      1 min
  • My Neck, My (Intrinsic) Back Part 3

    Back - Intrinsic Muscles Part 3

    • Intro
      less than a minute
    • Rotatores muscle
      1 min
    • Multifidus muscle
      1 min
    • Semispinalis muscle
      1 min
    • Deep cervical artery
      less than a minute
    • Posterior intercostal arteries
      less than a minute
    • Subcostal artery
      less than a minute
    • Lumbar artery
      less than a minute
    • Posterior rami of the spinal nerves
      1 min
    • Low back pain
      less than a minute
    • Herniated disk
      less than a minute
    • Spina bifida
      less than a minute
    • Review
      1 min
  • Out Back with a Book Part 1

    Back - Extrinsic Muscles Part 1

    • Intro
      1 min
    • Trapezius Muscle
      4 min
    • Latissimus Dorsi
      5 min
    • Levator Scapulae
      1 min
    • Rhomboid Major
      1 min
    • Rhomboid Minor
      3 min
    • Transverse Cervical Artery
      less than a minute
    • Superficial Cervical Artery
      less than a minute
    • Dorsal Scapular Artery
      less than a minute
    • Thoracodorsal Artery
      1 min
    • Accessory Nerve
      less than a minute
    • Dorsal Scapular Nerve
      less than a minute
    • Thoracodorsal Nerve
      less than a minute
    • Accessory Nerve Injury
      less than a minute
    • Review
      1 min
  • Out Back with a Book Part 2

    Back - Extrinsic Muscles Part 2

    • Intro
      1 min
    • serratus posterior superior muscle
      3 min
    • serratus posterior inferior muscle
      2 min
    • posterior intercostal arteries
      less than a minute
    • posterior intercostal veins
      1 min
    • intercostal nerves
      2 min
    • Review
      less than a minute
  • Thorax - Vasculature

    Thorax - Vasculature

  • Thorax - Nerves

    Thorax - Nerves

  • Thorax - Bones and Ligaments

    Thorax - Bones and Ligaments

  • Bone Landmarks - Ribs

    Bone Landmarks - Ribs

  • Bone Landmarks - Vertrebral Column

    Bone Landmarks - Vertrebral Column

0/18 mi


Score 80% or higher on all 3 quizzes to master this lesson!

Superficial Structures

     Nipple, Deteromes, Areola

Mammary Gland Structures

     Lobes of Mammary Glandular Tissue, Lactiferous Ducts, Lactiferous Sinuses

Supporting Structures

     Fibrous Tissue and Fatty Tissue


     Internal Thoracic Artery, Axillary Artery, Thoracoacromial Artery, Pectoral Branches, Lateral Thoracic Artery, Intercostal Artery


     Mammary Vein and Posterior Intercostal Vein


     4th to 6th Anterior and Lateral Intercostal Nerves

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Heart - Superficial

Score 80% or higher on all 3 quizzes to master this lesson!

Layers of the Heart Wall

Epicardium, Myocardium, and Endocardium

Layers of the Pericardium

Fibrous Pericardium, Serous Pericardium (Parietal and Visceral Layers)


Sternocostal, Diaphragmatic, Right Pulmonary, Left Pulmonary


Right Atrium, Left Atrium, Right Ventricle, Left Ventricle

Electrical Conduction

SA Node, AV Node, Bundle of His, Purkinje Fibers


Cardiac Plexus and Vagus Nerve

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Heart - Deep

Score 80% or higher on all 3 quizzes to master this lesson!

Internal Chambers

     Right Atrium, Right Ventricle, Left Atrium, Left Ventricle

Associated Structures

     Right and Left Auricles, Sinus Venarum, Crista Terminalis, Sulcus Terminalis, Trabeculae Carneae, Conus Arteriosus, Septomarginal Trabecula, Fossa Ovalis


     Pectinate and Papillary Muscles


     Tricuspid Valve, Mitral (Bicuspid) Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Aortic Valve


     Interatrial Septum and Interventricular Septum

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Heart - Vasculature

Score 80% or higher on all 3 quizzes to master this lesson!

Systemic Circulation

     Superior Vena Cava, Inferior Vena Cava, Pulmonary Trunk, Right and Left Pulmonary Arteries, Right and Left Inferior Pulmonary Veins, Right and Left Superior Pulmonary Veins, and Aorta

Coronary Arteries

     Right and Left Coronary Arteries, SA Nodal Artery, Right Marginal Artery, AV Nodal Artery, Posterior Interventricular Artery, Left Anterior Interventricular Artery, and Circumflex Artery

Cardiac Veins

     Small, Middle, Great, and Anterior Cardiac Veins

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Lower Respiratory System: Lungs - Superficial

Score 80% or higher on all 3 quizzes to master this lesson!




     Parietal Pleura and Visceral Pleura


     Costodiaphragmatic Recesses and Costomediastinal Recesses

Lung Impressions

     Cardiac Impression, Groove for the Superior Vena Cava, Groove for the Esophagus, and Groove for the Thoracic Aorta


     Pulmonary Arteries


     Pulmonary Veins


     Intercostal Nerves, Phrenic Nerve, Anterior Pulmonary Plexus, and Posterior Pulmonary Plexus

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Lower Respiratory System: Lungs - Deep

Score 80% or higher on all 3 quizzes to master this lesson!

Structures of the Airway

     Trachea, Primary Bronchi, Secondary, and Tertiary Bronchioles, Bronchioles, Terminal Bronchioles, Respiratory Bronchioles, and Alveoli


     Bronchial Arteries


     Bronchial Veins


     Anterior and Posterior Pulmonary Plexuses, Sympathetic Trunk, and Vagus Nerve

Clinical Correlations

     Foreign Body Aspiration

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Pectoral-Axillary Region

Score 80% or higher on all 3 quizzes to master this lesson!


     Pectoralis Major, Pectoralis Minor, Serratus Anterior


     Pectoral Branch of the Thoracoacromial Artery, Lateral Thoracic Artery


     Medial Pectoral Nerve, Lateral Pectoral Nerve, Long Thoracic Nerve

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Thoracic Wall

Score 80% or higher on all 3 quizzes to master this lesson!


     External Intercostals, Internal Intercostals, Innermost Intercostals, Transversus Thoracis, Subcostals, Levator Cosartum


     Posterior Intercostal Artery, Anterior Intercostal Artery


     Intercostal Nerve, Lower Thoracic Nerve

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Back - Intrinsic Muscles Part 1

Score 80% or higher on all 3 quizzes to master this lesson!


     Splenius Capitis, Splenius Cervicis


     Occipital Artery, Posterior Intercostal Artery


     Posterior Rami of Spinal Nerves C3 & C4, Posterior Rami of the Lower Cervical Spinal Nerves

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Back - Intrinsic Muscles Part 2

Score 80% or higher on all 3 quizzes to master this lesson!


     Illiocostalis, Longissimus, Spinalis


     Intercostal Artery, Lumbar Artery, Lateral Sacral Artery


     Posterior Rami of the Spinal Nerves C1-L5

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Back - Intrinsic Muscles Part 3

Score 80% or higher on all 3 quizzes to master this lesson!


     Rotatores, Multifidus, Semispinalis


     Deep Cervical Artery, Posterior Intercostal Artery, Subcostal Artery, Lumbar Artery


     Posterior Rami of the Spinal Nerves

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Back - Extrinsic Muscles Part 1

Score 80% or higher on all 3 quizzes to master this lesson!


     Trapezius, Latissimus Dorsi, Levator Scapulae, Rhomboid Minor, Rhomboid Major


     Transverse Cervical Artery, Dorsal Scapular Artery, Thoracodorsal Artery


     Accessory Nerve, Dorsal Scapular Nerve, Thoracodorsal Nerve

Clinical Correlations

     Accessory Nerve Damage

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Back - Extrinsic Muscles Part 2

Score 80% or higher on all 3 quizzes to master this lesson!


     Serratus Posterior Superior, Serratus Posterior Inferior


     Posterior Intercostal Arteries


     Intercostal Nerves

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Thorax - Vasculature

Score 80% or higher on all 3 quizzes to master this lesson!

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Thorax - Nerves

Score 80% or higher on all 3 quizzes to master this lesson!

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Thorax - Bones and Ligaments

Score 80% or higher on all 3 quizzes to master this lesson!

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Bone Landmarks - Ribs

Score 80% or higher on all 3 quizzes to master this lesson!

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Bone Landmarks - Vertrebral Column

Score 80% or higher on all 3 quizzes to master this lesson!

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